Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Frightening Post-Apocalyptic Movie from Pixar

There's this new movie out from Pixar in which all the humans are gone, but their cars remain, and they talk. What happened to the people? Did the radiation kill them? Global warming seems a likely candidate with all the cars around. Or, having become intelligent, was there a Matrix-like war between humans and machines in which the cars, like those in an early Peter Weir film, ate the people. "Soylent gasoline is people! It's people!"

Am I the only one completely underwhelmed by the concept of Cars? I usually love Pixar movies, especially the last one, The Incredibles, but have no plans to see this new one. I'm going to reveal my PC liberalism here, but does America really need a movie to teach kids how to further fetishize the automobile? I know they're only playing to their base. Kids have a natural fascination for cars and already play with Hot Wheels and RC kits. So, in a way, it's just a natural extension of Toy Story, which taught kids that they should really care about the feelings of inanimate objects. But at least toys don't cause global f-ing warming!

How about a movie about talking subway trains or public buses? Or, better yet, bikes and skateboards. Enough with the cars.

Or am I over-reacting?

1 comment:

Brian said...

I've been underwhelmed since I saw the first teaser trailer, what, two years ago? I'll watch it on video because it's Pixar and they've always done quality work. But yeah, as a concept I just couldn't care less about talking cars.